4 ways to start living YOUR life again with Lead to Inspire

Sherry and Marcia join me on the podcast to chat about the 4 concepts that have helped them get where they are today. Lead to Inspire is now 4 years old and thriving. They chat about their organization, how they help their clients, and what has made their lives better because of their choices as leaders.
Sherry and Marcia join me on the podcast to chat about the 4 concepts that have helped them get where they are today. Lead to Inspire is now 4 years old and thriving . They chat about their organization, how they help their clients, and what has made their lives better because of their choices as leaders.

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Transcription below (May contain typo's....):
[00:00:00] I was just thinking about like the one on one coaching.
We do. We often hear that, one of the things that we do on those calls is we challenge their thinking. I think they appreciate getting a different perspective. Sometimes it's nice to have a perspective of somebody that's not involved in the necessary the day to day you're on the team.
But for a leader to be able to say, here's, what's going on and I don't know what I'm missing, help me understand what the other person may be thinking or why they would have done that. And, so Sherry and I like to just challenge their challenge or their thinking as we go.
And, They usually, solve their own problems at that point. 
Keerstyn: [00:00:36] welcome to the podcast, Sherry and Marcia. I am really excited to have you both here today to talk a little bit more about what you do, how you help your clients and how you continue to change the workforce.
Sherry: [00:00:46] Absolutely. thanks for having us first off. 
Keerstyn: [00:00:48] Yeah, for sure. 
Sherry: [00:00:51] So a little background on us, Marsha and I, met in 2001, we were both coming from different organizations and landed on the same sales team.
[00:01:00] We became fast friends and, Truly we're dubbed this dynamic duo, which we didn't really understand at the time we thought it was because we get results and, we move forward and do things well, within our territories. But what we found later in life is really, we have a lot of the same.
Strengths, but we certainly have some gaps. So my opportunities or areas that I need to improve on, Marsha's very strong in. So we just work well together because of that. and it's great to have that, the person next to you, then fast forward we worked at. Sales for 10 years together. And then I worked in business development in a different organizations and, then came back to work together in a startup company, honey, that truly helped us launch our own business lead to inspire, because we're able to sit down across the table and build out training for.
Individuals young leaders were coming to us asking questions. and I think we both vividly remember sitting in a conference [00:02:00] room one day and the light bulb went off for us. It was a successful training on how to have difficult conversations with a lot of young leaders and the room was packed and there was great conversation.
And when they all left the room Marsh and I looked at each other and we went, this was amazing. What if we did this every day? and so that was really the launch to lead to inspire four years ago. 
Keerstyn: [00:02:22] Awesome. That's sweet. I love how you guys do been in each other's lives for 10 years. You just connected off and on until this all happened and congrats on your four years too.
That's very exciting. Yeah, absolutely. So we actually have set up a four part podcast because we're celebrating you guys as four years of being in business. So the first thing that we're going to talk about is being intentional and being present. Do you want to just dive into that and, I guess give us the big picture and then we can dive in a little deeper.
Marcia: [00:02:56] Yeah. So I would say Sherry and I always have believed [00:03:00] that, we, and we've said this to each other, like work smarter, not harder, and really believe that we were pretty intentional with the way that we worked and. I think we really have found it when you start a business and there's two of you and you're responsible for all of it, although you're not great at all of it.
You've really got to get intentional about how you spend your time, the projects that you work on. the be present part for us was really important too, because, prior to starting our own business, we were, had always worked in the corporate world and. other people really drove our projects are, the things that we were working on.
And, you get to a point sometimes where you're like, I don't know if that's exactly how I want to spend every day and am I making the impact in the world that I want to? And so this be intentional, be present has been a mantra for us. it goes way beyond just, working smarter, not harder, but it's, really being intentional in all that we 
Keerstyn: [00:03:56] do.
Sherry: [00:03:58] absolutely. That it's okay to say [00:04:00] no. I think that was a big issue for me, because we all want to be all things to all people. And so I'll just say yes to everything. And then at the end of the day, you dread having to go to that committee meeting or whatever it is. And I think when we gave ourselves the opportunity to say no to the things that we aren't passionate about, because there are 10 other people go out there who would probably love to be on that committee who really have a passion for it, let them serve their passion and focus it.
it's hard to say no the first time, but then when you realize how freeing it is, and that works in leadership every day, there's some things you can't say no to, but there are other things that truly you can, and it makes a big 
Keerstyn: [00:04:38] difference. Yeah. What are the biggest hurdles for your clients when they start.
Saying no, essentially. And being intentional about what their projects are, their passions are. what is the hardest hurdle that they get over? And then what are some of the outcomes that really, are positives after the fact, once they learn how to do it, 
Marcia: [00:04:58] I'd say it's a big [00:05:00] mindset shift to, to like Sherry said, give yourself permission to say no, and to really step back and evaluate.
the things that are, yeah, I know are being asked to be with it is to sit on a board or a committee or to take on a project if it's, it doesn't really align with who you are, your goals, your focus, then it is okay to say no, but I think to Sherry's point it. Until you give yourself that permission and until you really start to exercise at it, it's a mindset shift to believe that it's okay to say no.
And to really be intentional about the things that you're saying yes to. And, when you do that, you, everything that you're saying yes to has a lot more, you just get so much more out of it. 
Keerstyn: [00:05:43] Yeah. Absolutely. That's really important in my opinion. And it's hard to say no initially, and I've even found that, but, it's also really rewarding in the end and a positive transition for sure.
I'm personally, 
Marcia: [00:05:59] it's a [00:06:00] behavioral shift, right in anytime that we're trying to create a new habit or, change a behavior. There's work involved with it. So I think it is that, shifting of mindset and really practicing some of the, ways to be able to say no effectively. 
Keerstyn: [00:06:15] Yeah, absolutely.
And I, the thing that I think about too is it's figuring out what you're intentional about as well. So you can have 1,001 things that you believe are part of your, your story or your goals, or. Whatever, but oftentimes that can be overwhelming, especially when you have 1,001 things that you feel is important.
and narrowing that down to a niche is very valuable. Yeah. 
Sherry: [00:06:41] think about that. Think about your, to do list. I think that's something we always challenge people with because everybody always says I want better time management. oftentimes it comes down to what. You need to do, and it's being intentional about how impactful you can be in a day.
So if you look at your, to do list, how many things are on there? some people will say, Oh, there's at least [00:07:00] 150 things. we set ourselves up for failure because we try to accomplish that every single day, which we can't do. And we get to the end of the day and we haven't accomplished 150 things.
Then we feel like a failure. And that's unfortunate. So when you can actually be more intentional and prioritize and, figure out those three or four things that you have totally need to get done today, and then you have your other things you can do, if you have time, but then you can feel it successful at the end of the day.
And it just helps drive you into the next day and you become more productive. And I think something, we always challenge our clients with his pick the thing on that priority list that you want to do. You just don't want to do, we all have those things that we like to, push off until last we'll do that first.
you can be a great procrastinator when you don't want to get something when you just don't want to do it. do that first, then you don't have that hanging over your head. It's just, those are ways to work smarter and to accomplish more and to feel better at the end of the day. 
Keerstyn: [00:07:58] Yeah, 
Marcia: [00:07:58] you really waste a lot of [00:08:00] energy.
worrying about thinking about that thing that you don't want to do, or you're not quite sure how to start and if you would just dive right in, you get on to the next thing and you're not wasting so much time or energy on 
Sherry: [00:08:11] it. Yeah. I had one gentleman who said he was a true procrastinator and he ended up removing all of the apps from his phone, like the Facebook or the social media as he removed the games, everything, because he found himself going to those when he didn't want to do the report he had to do or whatever it was.
And that was successful for him. Not everybody can do that or wants to, but that worked for him. Yeah. 
Keerstyn: [00:08:35] That's a good example of how we can get rid of those distractions to make sure that we're. On the right page. The other thing I think about too, is being able to empower your team, especially if you're a manager or a leader to do those other 99 things that you have on your plate, but don't necessarily need to do, you can pass that down.
And I think that goes really well with the second point that you guys have given me is focusing [00:09:00] on solving specific problems for specific people. obviously. it changes day by day and who you're talking to and what specific people you're working with and working for. but I think that's a really important thing.
Do you guys want to go into a little bit more adaptive? What your thoughts around, solving problems for specific people? 
Sherry: [00:09:19] We have constantly tried to fine tune what we bring to our clients and who we are as leaders to inspire. overall. And the bottom line for us is we want to invest in people and we love seeing that light bulb moment when we work with people and can help them with something. but I think when you align yourself with the right partner, or the right client and the big piece for us was we could say no to a client if we wanted to, if those values didn't align.
if we go back to our biggest partner, Right now our biggest client, and we've been working together for three years and we do a leadership Academy with them that has continually evolved each of the three years. And obviously this company has grown each of these three years as [00:10:00] well. but Marsha and I could easily lay out.
Here's the 12 month plan. This is everything we're going to do each month. And we certainly know what we're going to do each month, but the topics change. And I think we've gotten so much better at. Listening in our one-on-ones or group calls and really hearing what the leaders are saying is their need at that moment.
And that's what we use then to catapult us into the next webinar. We're going to do what skill they need to work on, what area they need to work on. And that truly is helping us solve problems for them to help them keep at the top of their game and to help them continue 
Keerstyn: [00:10:34] to grow. Yeah, absolutely. It's customized solutions for different teams.
Yeah. And that's really important, especially like with the different teams, but then also your own team that you, I think about the different people that are a part of teams and how maybe one is a high D on the disc score, but then the other one is a high ass on the disc score and how drastically different their personalities maybe, and being able to [00:11:00] serve them with the right intentions and the right, Even approach to talking with them.
That's so important. And I'm sure that you guys have plenty of stories about how you have shifted your, your business to make sure to, Serve your clients. in terms of shifting for their exact needs, do you want to share one? 
Marcia: [00:11:20] as you were talking, I was just thinking about like the one on one coaching.
We do. We often hear that, one of the things that we do on those calls is we challenge their thinking. I think they appreciate getting a different perspective. Sometimes it's nice to have a perspective of somebody that's not involved in the necessary the day to day you're on the team.
But for a leader to be able to say, here's, what's going on and I don't know what I'm missing, help me understand what the other person may be thinking or why they would have done that. And, so Sherry and I like to just challenge their challenge or their thinking as we go.
And, They usually, solve their own problems at that point. But, it's just nice to be able to talk it 
Sherry: [00:11:58] through. [00:12:00] Yeah. I think going back to the disc profile, I think so often we're in those one-on-one or even the group calls, but it usually happens in the one on ones where there's someone maybe they're butting heads with, or, a team member.
they just don't listen to them or they don't in their mind. They don't listen to them and it's really taking it back and. And helping remind them, okay, are approaching them how you want to communicate? Are you really adhering to it? What they need to hear and what they, Are you listening to what they need?
Are you listening to what their needs are so that you can really help them? too often, we look at our communication all from our own perspective and we forget that teammate or that employee, that team member may need to hear something different if we're repeating ourselves constantly. And I think that's something we hear a lot from leaders as well.
I told them four times and I'm done with it. They just don't, and maybe they're putting them on a plan and it's wait a minute, have you looked in the mirror? Is it something that, maybe starts with you, do you need to communicate to them differently? Do [00:13:00] you need to, maybe give them some more hands on training?
Do they really understand why they're doing what they're doing? So it's helping them take, we hear that a lot and it's. that light bulb moment for them because all of a sudden they're realizing, Oh, maybe somebody else isn't hearing what I'm saying. Maybe I need to work on my approach.
So we're all constantly learning and Marsha. And I always say we learned just as much in our coaching calls and in our group sessions is hopefully what the people we're teaching do. and that's what we have to do. Keep growing personally and professionally for sure. 
Keerstyn: [00:13:30] Yeah. And the other thing I think about with that is what you're actually asking to.
it's not telling, it's asking questions and actually letting, the person that you're speaking to come up with a solution themselves. I think that's so empowering and so needed in the workplace today. the, for example, if I were to go be told that I need to do X, Y, and Z, I would be, Really?
No, I don't see that on my plate versus if you actually decide that's something you want to do, that's so much more valuable and empowering, [00:14:00] and people actually feel motivated to go do that. Then if it's their idea versus being told, and I think that's something that we all need to think about, and we're all guilty of saying, Hey, don't do this.
But when we empower people to actually create their own decisions and I figure themselves out that's so valuable. 
Marcia: [00:14:19] Yeah, we talk a lot about just the value of an engaged team versus an unengaged team. And, engaged people are the ones who are showing up there. there it's often because they're being asked their opinions and their thoughts and how can we approach this differently or that differently.
And they get up wanting to help solve those problems versus just punching the clock and doing their time, which to Sherry. And I seems. Dreadful, We spend too much time at work to not really enjoy what we do. And so to feel like you have a voice, your opinion matters, those things, all help to create a team that's engaged and, enjoy coming to work every day and helping to solve [00:15:00] those problems.
Sherry: [00:15:01] Yeah, 
Keerstyn: [00:15:01] absolutely. And I think that rolls really well into the third point that you guys have is that mindset is everything. and do you guys want to touch on that a bit more and then we can dive in deeper. 
Marcia: [00:15:12] Yeah. So we do feel like mindset is where we sit, start with a lot of the coaching that we do.
mindset really is everything. There's a, every board vote that says where they, you think you will, or you think you won't you'll you're right. I actually use it with my kids a lot as well, but. if you go in or you approach something, anything it's not going to work, it's the impossible, odds are, you're not going to work, whether, but if you approach it with the mindset of, I, I believe we can make this happened.
My, you've got a positive attitude. it's everything. And sometimes with our coaching, it is just challenging somebody on their mindset and being able to see it through a different set eyes and, And helping them show up the next day with a different mindset. 
Keerstyn: [00:15:57] Yeah, absolutely. That's so valuable. [00:16:00]
it was just like, it's miserable if you don't think you can do it. I think that's an obvious thing, but it's definitely not. And people struggle with that and, yeah, I totally agree with that. Do you have anything to add Sherry? 
Sherry: [00:16:13] I think we go back to the saying a lot. What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
And I think to what Marcia said, it's we so often are the biggest obstacle in our own success because we're afraid to try. And, we'll be the first to admit we learned. And I think a lot of people are, we've learned so much more from our failures than we do our successes, because think about it. If you fail at something, you've taken the chance.
So you've grown personally already. but if you fail at it, you're going to. We do anyway, we, dive into that and figure out exactly what went Ron, how we could do it better. What w what else do we need? and it just helps us learn even more and grow, and it makes whatever project we were working on, even better.
Marsha and I. When we were still in the corporate world, we're tasked with, of aligning the [00:17:00] sand initiative and Marsha really tells the story better than I do, it had failed five times before we got it. So we felt geez, we got the lucky straw and we're never wants to back down from a challenge, but.
In essence, we really dug into it to figure out why did it fail in the past? Because everybody was happy to tell us that. but really then as we approached the training for it, as much, how we approach training today is what's going to be the most beneficial for that team. They need to understand the overall big picture, but they truly need to understand why it's important to them so that they could change their mindset or shift that mindset to know.
Okay. This is a good thing for the company, but it's also going to help me because it was going to save them time. It was going to save the company money. It was going to be better for the client in the long run. and then we trained them. The training was a missing component those other times, and being able to train them, on exactly some role play.
So here are the things that the client's going to say. Here's how you can come back and, react and respond to those, those, 
[00:18:00] Marcia: [00:17:59] Objectives, 
Sherry: [00:18:01] thank you to those objections. and it, they really didn't skip a beat once they launched it. I think they had a few nerves, but as far as we're aware of that initiative is still continuing and it's still working well.
if you're not willing to do the work and to look at it and say, okay, it's failed five times. It could be a six, but we're not going to let it. You have to do that. That's just how we all grow. 
Keerstyn: [00:18:22] Yeah, absolutely. And making sure that your team or your clients feel like it's okay to fail too, and they're not going to be punished.
That is so important. And I can not stress that enough. it, it creates a whole new atmosphere for, or your team or your clients or whoever you're working with to be able to feel okay about taking risk and, actually rewarding from the risk and the end for sure. 
Marcia: [00:18:47] Yeah. Yeah. We talk a lot about the magic happens outside of your comfort zone and you just really don't know what you're capable of, unless you push yourself to that limit and beyond.
Keerstyn: [00:18:58] Yeah. I [00:19:00] completely heard that's so valuable. I think that people underestimate that, those concepts alone and, it's so necessary though, especially to be creative and stand out in the workplace and make sure that your team's actually engaged and excited and working towards a goal that's bigger than themselves.
For sure. And I think that really goes into the next point of dream, big work, hard, stay focused and surround yourself with good people think dream big. Obviously we just touched on that a little bit, but do you guys want to hop right into that and give you a rundown of what that means to you guys? 
Marcia: [00:19:37] Sure.
Yeah. I think dream big for us, like lead to inspire would have never come to fruition if we just didn't believe in those dreams and. We often joke. We had to convince our husbands to, be on board with us leaving the corporate world and the corporate salaries. But. again, getting out of your comfort zone, dreaming, big, working hard, and obviously there's a lot of hard work that goes into it.
He needs successful business. [00:20:00] staying focused for us. That was one of those things early on that we probably weren't as good at as we have become over the years. We've gotten. probably a lot more focused and that maybe comes back to our initial, let's really be intentional about the projects we take on the customers, clients that we work with and make sure that they align with our strengths and what we can bring to the table for the customer.
and then I think finally the surround yourself with good people. that one is so important. I think oftentimes undervalued. But when you, can show up every day and work with people that you respect that have the same, ethics values, they're wanting the same things, out of life and work that you do, just the alignment happens.
The partnership happens. We, we really believe that when we had worked with, whether it's one on one with the client, a coaching client, or if it's working with an organization to help build their. Leadership team or to help them develop a client experience it's planned to really serve their customers and their clients.
It really comes down to partnerships. We want to make sure that we're partnering [00:21:00] with every person that we work with. It's not just a customer or client, but it's really a true partner. 
Keerstyn: [00:21:05] Yeah, absolutely. I think that's really cool that you guys are very intentional about who you are working with and, making sure that they feel valued in the partnership as well.
And, that their ethics are the same. I think that's really important, especially with the whole concept of core values and, Making sure that people are aligned and working towards the same goals. It's really difficult to work towards the same goals when you don't have core values that lineup or that, the ethics that aren't totally a hundred percent the same.
yeah, that's, I love that. That's I love your intention behind, lifted, lead, and, all that. That's sweet.
Sherry: [00:21:48] Or work wherever you're at. and you have to be surrounded by people that, and trust, you don't have to be best friends with everybody, but, and, whoever said, and it's been around for a long time. [00:22:00] hire people smarter than you, have people that, as I said earlier with Marcia and I, people who maybe have different strengths than you don't want little robots of yourself all around the building when you have people that truly, Can add and give to your strengths and you just, that's why Marsha and I worked together well as a team because we can feed off of each other.
We get a project, we just know, we don't have to say, okay, Marsha, you do this and I'll do this. We just know who's going to do what, because that's where our wheelhouse is. and that just makes all the difference in the world when you can find that. 
Keerstyn: [00:22:30] Yes, absolutely. You 
Marcia: [00:22:33] had talked about disc profiles in that earlier.
And when you think about a team and all the different people that make up a team, one of the things we share a lot is to celebrate the differences because that's what really makes your team stronger. And so often you'll see, UN we think, being competitive isn't necessarily a bad thing, right?
That can be a really positive thing. But if people, really don't celebrate the differences, if it's, if they see that as competition in a bad way or that it [00:23:00] can, really be detrimental to a team and their success. If you really celebrate the, the differences and the different things that people bring to the table and truly try to understand the other person teams work so much better together and get so much more done.
Keerstyn: [00:23:15] Absolutely. Do you have any advice for people who are looking for different team members and they're a little bit like, what do I look for? Do I look for someone who's totally different than me? Or do I look for someone who's very similar? What would be some advice that you would give those people? 
Sherry: [00:23:31] When Marsha and I used to do interviews together, I think you bring to the people that maybe are qualified on paper.
Cause that's how we see initially and there's different screening processes, you start with the people who on paper will match what you need. but it's really that interaction you have with. With them at the table. And I think, instantly when we found great teammates, we knew within the first minute of that conversation, that they either would make great teammates or for sure we're gonna, we just liked them.
I think for me another [00:24:00] step in that is to make sure, because this happened to us. We had someone that we actually liked that we were interviewing. And then we had our team do the second round of interviews and they came back and they're like, no, Sometimes people interact differently with the leaders of the team versus their peers.
And, it's, it does two things by having that team interview as well. It helps them to start to build a relationship with that person. So then when they start on the first day, if they are hired, it's not like starting your first day, you've already met your peers. but it's also so giving that team some skin in the game, able to share their voice that goes back to.
To allowing them to have some summit, some input into what goes on day to day and they're the ones working with them. So that truly, I think for me, when I. It's number one, getting that feeling that, yes, this is the right person, but then also having that validation when the team can and move forward and say, yup, this is somebody we want to work 
Keerstyn: [00:24:58] with.
Yeah. And I [00:25:00] think 
Marcia: [00:25:00] just to add to that a little bit, Sherry is, as an organization, trying to find people that fit your culture, or it could be your team culture. And that's what Sherry was talking about with having the team get involved with those interviews. But, if you're an organization who is looking for other likeminded, good people that align with your values and that there's a lot of things that you can teach somebody, We can teach skills and different things like that. But, if they have to bring that, underlying kind of fit, to the team. 
Keerstyn: [00:25:29] Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, for sure. I think that's so important. I think we undervalue that a lot. going back to those core values, but then also I love how Sherry, you said making sure your team is a part of the higher or the, the client onboarding to make sure that they're, They're definitely a fit.
And also there are people that you do want to surround yourself with. That's so valuable. Absolutely. do you guys have anything else to add about today? We went through the four points, but [00:26:00] obviously I would be happy to talk about anything else.
We'll say 
Marcia: [00:26:03] you had talked about onboarding, which is something else that we, we really believe in and we talk a lot about the employee experience. so we've been in sales for, the majority of our careers and, really believed that in order to be able to provide a great customer experience, you've got to have team members who've come into your organization and.
And, are proud of where they work. They really enjoy what they do and where they work everyday. yes, we help organizations to build client experience plans, but it really starts with the team and the people first. And, that means having an employee experience, that is top notch. So we do a lot with onboarding.
You'd mentioned that earlier, we do a lot with helping organizations evaluate their onboarding process and. How do we, mentor those new employees and give them a good, idea of what the organization is all about and who they are and that history and the future of where they're going. but then also, the team members who've been around for a number of years, I'm circling [00:27:00] back with them and finding out why did they stay?
there's some stay interviews as a term where you can. Instead of just doing the exit interviews and finding out why your team members are leaving, what keeps them there and making sure that those are things that you continue to build. And, it, again, it comes out it's back to just making sure that team member feels valued and appreciated, and that you're trying to provide a great experience for them when they come into work every day and help build your 
Keerstyn: [00:27:24] business.
Yeah, I like the concept of this. They interviews often you hear about the exit interviews and, you want to make sure you're doing those two, but the stay interview is a really interesting concept that I don't think a lot of companies, leverage, especially, when they, their retention is a little bit lower, they or their retention is higher.
And how are your employees being supported for sure. I think one thing that you have to think about is employees, bring in your. clients, their customer is then, with no, no, morale. It's hard to bring in the customers or the clients that you're trying to grab a hold of. So [00:28:00] I totally get there.
Sherry: [00:28:03] I would piggyback off the client experience or the employee experience. and the fact that feedback is something we hear a lot in our one-on-ones, and. To have a great employee experience. People need to know how they're doing and that they're doing a good job. And sometimes people say, that's what they're paid for.
That's what they need to do. But so often I think there's a lot of insecurity in the workplace because employees just, aren't sure leaders, aren't sure if they're doing a good job or because no one ever gives them that feedback. And that is so important. Just to take that time at all levels of leadership, to be able to give that input, because gosh, when you're, when your employees are excited, they're going to pass that to Marsha's point.
They're going to pass that on to their clients. And if you don't have that positive culture, It's tough and people, there's a lot of job opportunities out there. And if you have good employees, you want them to [00:29:00] stay. And, it just makes a big difference. If you just take a few minutes, even we say, thank you.
it takes two minutes to say things Q or to leave a thank you note. we're big into handwritten. Thank you. Notes, Marsha. I'll be honest. The transparent Marcia's better at it than I am to leave. Thank you notes. okay. But when you do it's amazing. The difference that people feel, Hey, you stayed late.
The other night, I saw that. I took note, here's a $5 Starbucks gift card. it doesn't take a lot to make employees feel valued and that's truly what everybody wants. You want to love what you do. You want to feel valued and like the people you work with. Yeah. 
Keerstyn: [00:29:36] I think 
Marcia: [00:29:37] people underestimate that.
there is a huge need for each one of us to feel valued and appreciated whether that's in the workforce at home with our friends, wherever that is in any relationship, it's a human need to feel valued and appreciated. And if leaders remembered that, their teams would be that much stronger because, their team member, their teammates or team members would come in and work that much harder [00:30:00] for them.
And to help them. yeah. when a team member feels valued and appreciated, when they feel like they're on a winning team, when they feel like they're making a difference, they are more engaged and, really they're the ones that help you to, accomplish your goals 
Sherry: [00:30:15] and your objectives. And for those who have a hard time with a difficult conversation, because they have to have maybe a conversation about something that's not working, it's much easier when that employee has already had the positive feedback, knowing that they do a good job.
It's a lot easier to hear, Hey, you're doing a great job, but we need to tweak this or we need to do this. it makes a big difference and it makes those conversations easier to have to, because there's a lot of people who won't talk about the elephant in the room because they're. They're uncertain how to do it.
They don't want to hurt anybody's feelings. They just really don't know how to proceed with it. So the, just letting everybody know where they stand in, if they're doing a good job, makes a big difference. 
Keerstyn: [00:30:55] Yeah, absolutely. And it helps them know where they stand all the time too. And that's very important.
[00:31:00] Absolutely. Awesome. thank you ladies so much for joining me on the podcast today. If people want to reach out to you or learn more about you, what are some good ways to get in touch or to find out where you guys are? 
Marcia: [00:31:16] So we're on social media. We're on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram. We have a website which is lead to inspire that net.
And you can leave us a note there you can email us directly at hello at lead to inspire and, dot net. Yep. 
Keerstyn: [00:31:34] Yeah, cool. We'll put those in the show notes to make sure that people can access those easily. but thank you so much, ladies. I have loved learning about lead to inspire and, congratulations on the four years coming up.
That's very exciting. And I'm sure that you guys are stoked about that. and, looking forward to continue to serving 
Marcia: [00:31:53] people. Yeah. Thanks for having 
Keerstyn: [00:31:56] us. Yeah, absolutely. 

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