Promoted to manager but just don't know how to manage?

Cristina Flores, CEO and Business Coach at Creative Solutions Coaching LLC, joined us on Managing the Way to discuss how she helps leaders get to be a leader focused on their people.
Cristina Flores, CEO and Business Coach at Creative Solutions Coaching LLC, joined us on Managing the Way to discuss how she helps leaders get to be a leader focused on their people. Through hiring process, understanding their people, and giving practical advise; she is able to help encourage and grow managers to become better.

Find Cristina on Linkedin to learn more about her!

Managing the Way is sponsored by Waypoint HQ. Waypoint is a breath of fresh air. A solution that enables you to be the manager that people want to work for. It helps you in holding regular, focused, intentional employee one-on-ones that will result in valuable feedback and a forum for coaching your team.

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